Botteroski Limone Piemonte

Via Genova, 40 - 12015 Limone Piemonte (CN) - Tel +39 0171.92274

Morning: 9:00-12:30

Afternoon: 15:00-19:30

Saturday, Sunday: all day long during the opening times of the winter lifts.

Weekly rest on Wednesday, except in July and August and during the opening period of the ski lifts, during which the shop is open 7 days a week

Botteroski Outlet (Vernante)

Strada Provinciale 20, 28 - 12019 Vernante (CN) - Tel +39 0171.920038

Open every day

Morning: 9:00-12:30

Afternoon: 15:00-19:30

Saturday and Sunday: 9:00-20:00

Opened every day, including Sundays. Saturday and Sunday all day long.

Botteroski 1400

Fraz. Panice Soprana, 90 - Limone Piemonte (CN) - Tel +39 0171.928227

Continuous Timetable: 8:00-19:00

Open during the operating period of the ski lifts from Monday to Sunday.

Botteroski Megastore Borgo

Via Cuneo 80 - Zona Borgomercato - Borgo S. Dalmazzo (CN) - Tel. +39 0171.260114

Open every day

Matt: 9:30-13:00

Afternoon: 15:00-19:30

Saturday and Sunday: continuous hours in December, January and February.

Closed on 25/12